On Wednesday we were honoured to host Mick de Brenni, Queensland’s Minister for Energy, Renewables and Hydrogen and Minister for Public Works and Procurement. Our Energy Academy students were left inspired about the future careers in the Energy Industry.

“You all made the right choice to come to this school as you will be equipped with the skills to become part of the workforce of the future,” shared Minister de Brenni.

Some interesting statistics shared by the Minister:

  • Queensland is a leading state (and global leader) for implementing renewable energy sources.
  • Queensland is developing a SuperGrid and there will be thousands of jobs available in the energy sector.
  • Jobs in the energy sector are well paid, safety comes first and employees in this field can go to work knowing they make a difference.

Our Energy Academy provides a specialist pathway for students who know they want to work in the electrical and energy industry but are also discovering how that may look, too.

From power points to power stations, there really are diverse opportunities for our bright sparks.