Staff and students from Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast and Brisbane AITC schools attended the Young Change Agents’ social entrepreneurship program for young women. Students worked in teams of 4-5 in a ‘hackathon-style’ workshop to identify opportunities for young people with the theme ‘How Might We See Money Differently’. Then they ideated, validated, prototyped and pitched their idea.

Our teams developed the following ideas:

Tradie Ladies: This team included their screen time addiction with their overspending issue, coming up with a digital app to limit screen time and prevent overspending. With their Tradie Ladies app, screen time is managed through the app with set goals. If you go under your weekly time, you are rewarded with a $20 bonus from your savings into your spending account. It also helps track where they have spent their money.

The Hub: Addressed the problem of travelling to school from remote areas which limits employment opportunities and the ability to earn money. This group designed live-in AITC Accommodation which included guidelines, accessibility, and pricing.

The Sizzlers and the Teens4Good wanted to help homeless teens in the community. They looked at a volunteering service allowing young people to volunteer to help other young people. They addressed the situation where many teenagers might be happy to give their time because they are unable to give money.

While doing these activities our students were:

  • Thinking critically
  • Using their creativity
  • Collaborating and communicating
  • Solving problems
  • Telling stories
  • Working on decision making
  • Pitching ideas in a presentation
  • Exercising leadership skills
  • Design thinking
  • Budgeting
  • Managing time